

Open-CSV features

I recommed open-csv, It’s a nice and aweasome package :)

  • Arbitrary numbers of values per line. (允許一行裡面有多個 elements, 避免跟 headers 對應問題)
  • Ignoring commas in quoted elements. (忽略 element 裡面的逗號, 避免誤判)
  • Handling quoted entries with embedded carriage returns (i.e. entries that span multiple lines). (忽略 element 裡面的換行符號)
  • Configurable separator and quote characters (or use sensible defaults). (可自定義 separator 與 quote 切分 csv 的字符)

Ugly data

雖然 open-csv 可以協助處理 element 裡面的 逗號, 換行 的情境, 但一些狀態仍可能導致 open-csv 判讀錯誤失敗, 以下方的例子來說, \"say "don’t 就會違反 open-csv 的 parsing rule, 導致 exception 發生, 如果是用 try catch 去處理, 就會造成資料缺漏, 違反資料正確性。

"1","title1","eric","Hello, I'm Eric."
"2","title2","john","Hello, Eric, I have a question about your work,
plz contact me \"
"3","title3","mike","This is Mike, I just want to say "don’t try to be someone you are not meant to be.""

Clean data

初步的想法就是, 把資料清洗一次, 先移除掉換行符號, 再把會影響 open-csv 處理的因素做 replace() 處理。

public void clean_data() throws IOException {
Charset utf8 = Charset.defaultCharset();
File originFile = ResourceUtils.getFile("sample.csv");
File cleanFile = ResourceUtils.getFile("clean_sample.csv");

try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(originFile.toPath(), utf8);
BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(cleanFile.toPath(), utf8)) {
String line;

while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

line = line.replace(",NA,", ",\"-\",");
line = line.replace(",NA", ",\"-\"");
line = line.replace(" \"", " `");
line = line.replace("\"\"", "`\"");
line = line.replace("\\\"", "\"");

line = line.replaceAll("\\r\\n|\\r|\\n", "");


public void clean_data_with_new_line() throws IOException {
File originFile = ResourceUtils.getFile("classpath:data/clean_sample.csv");
File cleanFile = ResourceUtils.getFile("new_line_sample.csv");

try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(originFile));
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cleanFile))) {

// in one line have three comm
int commInLine = 3;
int current;
int countComm = 0;
boolean shouldNewLine = false;

char currentChar;
char beforeChar = ' ';

while ((current =!=-1) {

currentChar = (char) current;

// two double quotation
if (shouldNewLine
&& beforeChar=='"'
&& currentChar=='"') {

shouldNewLine = false;

} else {

// count comm and check new line status
if (currentChar == ',') {
if (countComm == commInLine) {
countComm = 0;
shouldNewLine = true;

beforeChar = (char) current;

Final data

"1","title1","eric","Hello, I'm Eric."
"2","title2","john","Hello, Eric, I have a question about your work, plz contact me "
"3","title3","mike","This is Mike, I just want to say `don’t try to be someone you are not meant to be.`"
