Dirty Paws


Of Monsters and Men

Of monster and men 是我最喜歡的樂團, 冰島樂團, 有一陣子我很喜歡 怪獸, 朋友就介紹了這個樂團, 直接被命中。 他們大部分的歌詞都很 寓言故事, MV 製作也很細心, 像 Dirty paws 用動畫的方式呈現歌詞中的寓意, 感覺就像在看小電影。自己很喜歡裡面的成員 Ragnar þórhallsson, 吉他, 聲音也很棒, Ragnhildur Gunnarsdóttir 小號超強…, Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir 主唱也很厲害, 總而言之是我近幾年心中排行第一的樂團。

Dirty Paws

聽著這首歌, 就順手把 blog 建置好了, 所以就命名 PAWS, 一方面這首也是 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (白日夢冒險王, 2013) 主題曲之一。


Songwriters: Arni Gudjonsson / Nanna Bryndis Hilmarsdottir / Ragnar Thorhallsson
Dirty Paws lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Jumping up and down the floor
My head is an animal

And once there was an animal
It had a son that mowed the lawn
The son was an OK guy
They had a pet dragonfly

The dragonfly it ran away
But it came back with a story to say

Her dirty paws and furry coat
She ran down the forest slope

The forest of talking trees
They used to sing about the birds and the bees
The bees had declared a war
The sky wasn’t big enough for them all
The birds, they got help from below
From dirty paws and the creatures of snow

So for a while things were cold
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
But she and her furry friends
Took down the queen bee and her men

And that’s how the story goes
The story of the beast with those four dirty paws

歌詞的意思, 單看字面其實很難掌握,


背景是 第二次世界大戰, bees 代表軸心國, Queen Bee(德國), birds 代表法國與英格蘭, dirty paws 代表的是美國與俄羅斯, forest 是歐洲整體, animal 代表在戰爭中人類的野獸天性, 美國之所以代表 dirty paws 是因為經常出現於國際戰爭中, 4 個 dirty paws 分別代表 (Revolutionary, Civil, WWI, WWII )

但這樣解釋也不太完全啦, 冰島在第二次世界大戰屬於中立國, 沒有直接參與二戰


Dirty paws 是 My Head Is an Animal 專輯之首, 整張專輯就是一個故事, 故事的開端是一個人, 被人群責備想殺死的對象; 在第二首 King And Lionheart 那個人墜入愛河, 並安定下來; 在第三首 Mountain Sound 主角被敵人找到, 只好逃離愛人身邊; 在 Slow And SteadyFrom Finner, 主角被抓了並且被殺死, 所以在 Little Talks 愛情破碎了, 女主角因為他的死亡而瘋狂, 在 Six Weeks 找到新的寄託, 在 Love Love Love 女主角發現自己意識到自己不是真正的愛他, 只是精神上的寄託,

我也還沒把整張專輯都弄懂, 但看 MV 來解釋的話我是覺得有點牽強 XD,
其他解釋也都滿有趣的, 可以讀讀…

